
Is the sequence 5a - 1, 3a - 1, a - 1, ... arithmetic?

Accepted Solution

The given sequence is an arithmetic sequenceStep-by-step explanation:Common difference is the difference between two consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence.We have to find the common difference to check if the sequence is arithmetic.Common difference us denoted by d.Given sequence is:5a - 1, 3a - 1, a - 1, ...Here,[tex]a_1=5a-1\\a_2=3a-1\\a_3=a-1\\So,\\d=a_2-a_1\\=(3a-1)-(5a-1)\\=3a-1-5a+1\\=-2\\d=a_3-a_2\\=(a-1)-(3a-1)\\=a-1-3a+1\\=-2[/tex]We can see that the common difference is sameThe given sequence is an arithmetic sequenceKeywords: Arithmetic sequence, Common DifferenceLearn more about arithmetic sequence at:brainly.com/question/5102020brainly.com/question/5147732#LearnwithBrainly